Spring Cleaning Basics

While we eagerly await the warmth of spring and all it brings, there’s one thing that sets dread into every homeowner’s heart: spring cleaning! But, if you have a plan in place to organize and declutter while you’re cleaning, you can make this a highly productive endeavour that will make life easier, season after season.

In addition to your normal cleaning, Spring’s the time to tackle those jobs that just don’t get done regularly.

Let The Sunshine In

One of the most rewarding spring cleaning tasks is cleaning your windows.  This is best done as a two person job, one on the outside, one on the inside.  Use newspaper or lint-free paper towels with vinegar or glass cleaner for the best result.  Work on the same window, together, at the same time, so you can look for streaks.

While you’re at it, use the opportunity to take down drapery for dry cleaning, and wipe down shades and blinds.

Look For ‘Overlooked’ Areas

Dusty baseboards, grungy patio door tracks and cobwebs on the ceilings are crying out for attention, and once those windows are clean, you’re bound to see even more dirty areas that need your attention.  Pick one at a time, and be sure to complete one task before taking on another, to avoid being totally overwhelmed!

Deep Clean

There’s nothing quite like knowing your home is deep down clean.  Rent a carpet cleaner once a year to really extend the life of your broadloom and to keep things smelling fresh.  While you’re at it, wipe down chair legs, polish wood furniture, vacuum soft furnishings and spray with Febreeze.

Light fixtures can also use a good wipe down at this time, too.  You’ll be surprised at how bright and inviting your home will be once that layer of dust is gone.

Get Organized and Transition Your Wardrobe

Celebrate this task! Get out your favourite spring fashions, and lose the wooly sweaters.  Packing your winter wardrobe away with care means that you’ll enjoy this project in the fall as well.

How your closets function will have a direct impact on your ability to keep your belongings (and your life!) organized.

Now is a great time to bring in the professionals!