Tips for staying safe on Halloween

The night of ghosts and goblins is just around the corner! Halloween is a favourite with children of all ages, and parents want their kids to have fun on that special holiday. A little forethought goes a long way to keeping everyone safe enough to eat all that candy!

• First, think visibility: If your children are very young, make or buy costumes without masks, which can make it difficult to see sidewalks, roads and cars.

• To help drivers see your kids, pick up some reflective tape and place several strips on strategic parts of the costumes and/or coats.

• Let your kids carry a flashlight.

• Stick to light-coloured costumes and coats, which are easier to see at night.

• Next, think comfort: Dress your kids in layers so they can add or take off, depending on the temperature.

• Make sure their costumes allow them to walk and go up and down steps easily. Long capes and high heels may look cool, but they can cause trips and falls.

• Then, think safety: If your children are old enough to go out alone on Halloween night, make sure they are going with a group.

• Provide your child with a cell phone in case of an emergency.

• Instruct your kids not to eat any candy until they get home and you have a chance to go through it.

• Advise your children to avoid houses that are not well lit.

• If they make their way along a street, tell them to walk along one side first, then the other, rather than criss-crossing. The less time they spend on roads, the better.

• Last, think outside the treat bag: Consider holding a trick-or-treat party at your local community centre rather than having the kids go door to door.

• Check with local malls to see whether they encourage trick-or-treating inside.

• Go all out and let your kids have their own party with family and friends at your house.

The whole point of Halloween is to have fun. The safer and more comfortable you and your kids are, the more you will enjoy the spirit of the holiday. BOO!